SpyCast Ep. 632 | “James Foley: Journalist, ISIS Hostage, Son”

with his mother Diane Foley

Rendezvous Info
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
All Day

This week on SpyCast, Dr. Andrew Hammond was joined in the studio by Diane Foley, co-author of the new book American Mother. Diane’s eldest son James, a freelance journalist, was covering the Syrian Civil War when he was kidnapped and held hostage in Syria for almost two years. This year marks ten years since James was murdered by his ISIS captors in 2014. Diane remembers Jim as a curious, thoughtful, and empathetic soul who yearned to protect and share the humanity of people around the world. Today, SpyCast is humbled and proud to be a small part of helping to share Jim’s story.

After listening to this week’s episode, our American listeners may be wondering how they can help U.S. nationals currently wrongfully detained or unlawfully held abroad. To learn more, we encourage listeners to visit the Hostage Advocacy Resources page on the James W. Foley Legacy Foundation website.

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